Monday 10 February 2020
On Monday, February 10, 2020, Major General Staff Pilot Rashad Mohammed Al-Saadi, NDC Commandant, received a delegation from the Saudi National Defence University, headed by Major General Staff Mohammed bin Jadwa Al-Ruwaili. The visit aimed to explore the UAE National Defence College and exchange views on common concerns. During the meeting, the two parties discussed the military and academic subjects related to the national defence colleges and universities.
The delegation reception ceremonies began with a group photo in front of the main building of the college. The visit program included two separate briefs, one given by the visiting delegation about the Saudi National Defence University, and the other about the UAE NDC presented by Brigadier General Staff Pilot Mahdi Al Ahbabi, who reviewed the NDC’s vision, mission, objectives, and all academic requirements related to the NDC Course program.
Following the brief, the delegation toured the college to explore the NDC academic process and facilities. At the end of the visit, the head of the delegation signed the NDC guest book and the two parties exchanged gifts and photos.