Tuesday 16 April 2019
H.E Dr. Saif Sultan Al-Ariani, Secretary General of the Supreme Council for National Security, delivered a lecture entitled "Dimensions of the UAE National Security" on April 16, 2019 which addressed several components focusing on the UAE national security.
The lecture, which was held at the headquarters of the National Defence College, was attended by Staff Pilot Major General Rashad Mohammed Salim Al-Saadi, NDC Commandant, NDC Deputy Commandant, wing leaders, NDC officers, and NDC Course 2018-2019 participants.
The Secretary General of the Supreme Council for National Security explained that security has always been of utmost importance to the human being in any society. Due to security concerns, the UAE decided to form a supreme council to execute the country's strategic plans and to overcome any challenges, threats or risks in cooperation with all other agencies and departments of the United Arab Emirates.
H.E pointed out that the development of the concept of national security depends on four main axes: history and geography, in addition to the geostrategic situation, the location and the role played by the state, explaining that current developments in the regional and global environments have an impact on the security interests of the state.
In a way to find a real solution to the challenges, threats and strategic risks facing the UAE national security, H.E Saif Sultan Al-Ariani reviewed the powers and capabilities of the UAE and how it seeks to coordinate at all levels of local and federal decision-making in cooperation with all national agencies both vertically and horizontally.
At the end of the lecture, His Excellency welcomed the audience's questions concerning the national security dimensions of the UAE.