Thursday 23 May 2024

The National Defence College welcomed HE. Mattar Salem Ali Al Dhaheri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Defence, in the presence of the Assistant Undersecretary for Support and Defence Industries and the Assistant Undersecretary for Policy and Defence Communication. During the visit on Thursday, May 23, 2024, they met with the participants of the 11th National Defence Course 2023-2024.

This annual meeting between His Excellency and the participants of the National Defence Course aims to familiarize them with the coordination and integration between the Ministry of Defence, other ministries, and government entities in order to achieve the national objectives of the United Arab Emirates. It also involves explaining and discussing the mechanisms of mutual exchange and cooperation between these entities, in a way that supports collective efforts, contributes to achieving the desired results, as well as propelling the joint institutional work forward without any conflicts or obstacles.

By hosting senior leaders, including their Excellencies, ministers and senior state officials, the National Defence College is committed to shedding light on important topics and engaging in dialogue discussions that enrich the participant’s knowledge and understanding. This allows them to broaden their intellectual horizons and gain insights related to the academic curriculum of the National Defence Course.